Enrolment Introduction

Thank you for considering Saint Paul’s Primary School as a school for your child.

St. Paul’s Primary School is one of two Catholic primary schools, in the local Catholic parish of St. Mary of the Assumption.

Catholic education is intrinsic to the mission of the Catholic Church. It is one means by which the church fulfils its role in assisting people to discover and embrace the fullness of life in Christ. Catholic schools offer a broad, comprehensive curriculum imbued with an authentic Catholic understanding of Christ and his teachings, as well as a lived appreciation of membership of the Catholic Church.

Parents and guardians, as the first educators of their children, enter into a partnership with the Catholic school to promote and support their child’s education. Parents and guardians must assume a responsibility for maintaining this partnership with the school by supporting the school in furthering the spiritual and academic life of their children.

As a Catholic school, we are central to the Catholic Church and its mission to make Christ known to the world. As a Catholic school, we live out the Gospel message of love & acceptance, in all our interactions; acknowledging that Christ lives in all of us (St. Paul’s Primary School, ‘Vision Statement’).

St. Paul’s Primary School stands as a proud and aspirational Catholic learning community, wherein all its members (students, staff, parents & guardians and families) are considered lifelong learners, engaged in rich & rigorous learning programs and opportunities. At the core of our learning is the community’s Faith Dimension; Christian values and a rich Religious Education Program, support our students in coming to ‘know, worship and love’ their faith, in a supported & guided learning environment.

St. Paul, our patron, was a teacher for his time; he wrote to the people of Phillipi (modern day Greece), that “We can do all things with Christ who strengthens us” (Philippians 4:13).

As a Catholic school, our way is the way of Christ, our strength is in the strength of Christ and our inspiration is in the unconditional love of Christ.

‘It takes a whole village to raise a child’ (Old African Proverb); with this ancient proverb in mind, the St. Paul’s learning and teaching community, places immense value upon the importance of the parent-educator / teacher-educator partnership. Communication between the school and the home is seen as vital and must be two-way; parent-teacher conversations are encouraged and are informal & formal in nature. Communication is essential in ensuring your children are engaged as learners, in a safe, happy & informed learning environment.

The Victorian Curriculum underpins all our academic programs and is the mandated curriculum program for our children. Supplemented by the Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools’ (MACS), ‘Horizons of Hope’ Education Framework, as well as its ‘Coming To Know, Worship & Love’ Religious Education Framework, our children are encouraged to come to ‘know & love’ their faith and to always aspire to be the best they can be, in all aspects of the curriculum, as well as in their involvement in the parish community and the local & wider communities.

As you face one of the most important of decisions for your child, that is, which school you should enrol them in, be assured that St. Paul’s Primary School, recognises every child as unique, capable of achieving their best and encouraged to be their best.

In a safe and secure learning and teaching environment, all members of the St. Paul’s ‘family’, engage with one another within our Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) Framework, where the wellbeing of every community member is of the highest priority. Your child’s safety is of the highest priority at St. Paul’s; this is clearly & concisely articulated in our ‘Statement of Commitment to Child Safety’, wherein we state that, St. Paul’s Primary School prioritises the safety and wellbeing of all children in our care. We work with diligence and intent to protect them, prioritising their safety and wellbeing at all times and in every situation.

As a teacher-educator of some forty years, learning is my passion and your children are my priority. I work with a staff team who, through their commitment, dedication and passion, come to school each day, to ensure your children are happy and safe, and as a consequence, are open to learning.

Every child is unique and learns in different ways and at a different pace. Learning at St. Paul’s is individualised and personalised, with learning plans designed to ensure every child’s needs are considered and catered for. The dreams and aspirations you have for your children are acknowledged and supported in their realisation by the enthusiasm and experience of a staff team, who are here for your children and your children only. Our ‘School Essence Statement’ is explicit in this regard, stating that, ‘Like Christ, we believe in valuing each individual for who they are and who they can be.’

If you wish to apply for enrolment, please complete and return an Enrolment Application to the school office.

I encourage you to call our office, should you have any questions regarding the enrolment process.
We look forward to meeting with you.

Yours Sincerely,
Denis J. Daly