Wellbeing Introduction

The safety and wellbeing of all members of our school community is paramount. We endeavour to maintain a calm, gentle and respectful school environment, which allows learning to take place in the best possible circumstances. We expect our students to allow their teachers to teach and their classmates to learn. We acknowledge the power of affirmation with our students and seek ways to encourage them to meet expectations and thrive as enthusiastic and motivated learners .

At St. Paul’s Primary School the values of love, respect, compassion, tolerance, forgiveness, repentance reconciliation and justice, are foundational to who we are and how we are. These core values are at the heart of the way in which we promote school-wide positive behaviour.

School expectations and consequences are in place to ensure safety, to point out inappropriate behaviour, to guide students to more appropriate behaviours, to restore relationships and to enable personal growth.

St Paul’s has a Student Wellbeing Coordinator whose responsibilities include:

  • supporting new students in our school
  • monitoring playground and classroom behaviour
  • assisting students in developing and maintaining friends
  • oversight of our School Wide Positive Behaviour Program program

St Paul’s has a variety of programs and personnel in place to ensure the wellbeing of all members of our learning community, including:

  • a School Wide Positive Behaviour Program program
  • Learning to Learn Units, with a particular focus on developing social skills
  • a school counsellor
  • specific support programs for students-at-risk
  • timetabled classroom discussion time: ‘Circle Time’